NATE’S BDAY! Leticia’s tribute:

I wouldn’t write anything, but I can’t control myself hahaha.
I don’t want to start the conventional way, but, my Angel, I don’t know if you know, but I am so grateful that you exist. You’re an amazing men, with a beautiful soul and you inspire people to be the best that they can. Your joy is contagious to people and that your smile is able to put a little peace in some many hearts. I’m happy so see how many lifes you are able to touch. I will never understand why but I love to see you being light in this world and inspiring me too.
God always use you as an instrument of Him in my life and you have no idea how many times you have inspired me to be the best version of myself. You have no idea how many amazing people I met because of you. Today I thank God for you because 4 years ago I probably would have given up on everything. But this story I intend to tell you in person one day.
Anyway, thanks for everything. I wish from the bottom of my heart that your path is full of beautiful things and losts of light. That God bless you always and you continue being the light in the lives of many people. I will always be here for you and cheering for your happiness, no matter how much time passes. I love you immensely, now and forever.
Happy birthday.
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