Interview of Nathaniel and Malese Jow with Girlfriend Magazine

What’s a coolest thing about landing a Role in TVD?
MJ : The Vampire Diaries is the biggest thing that has happened to me, and i am so thankful. it’s all because of the Fans – they are diehard!
NB: It’s such a Popular show, so i have been very lucky ( to land a role in it). It has definitely given me a bit of a profile.What d you love most about the fans?
MJ : Especially with my story, with Anna, if we didnt have that fanbase for her and the outcry when she died, I would never have been back on the show. That’s whats cool about it.I know the writer’s do receive fan feedback on Twitter and kind of guide the show that way. They’re behind us 100 percent.
NB : The Fans absolutely Dictate that and i don’t think they realise how powerful they are as a group. I know for a fact that the creators pay very close attention to what the fans want, and its funny because not many shows do that. Now that the books have come to an end, the writers have free reign over what happens, so the fans will have a huge impact into what they see.What’s happening for the rest of 2012 with Kol?
NB : Well, I’m still alive in the Vampire Diaries, so we’re waiting to see what develops from that. Stay Tuned.
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